Compression bonded magnets are available using many isotropic
neodymium iron boron material grades as well as crushed &
powdered samarium cobalt materials. Combinations of different
material grades may also be used to create specific magnetic
characteristics. Compression bonded magnets offers higher
magnetic strength than injection molded magnets due to their
higher magnetic particle density, but are limited to simpler
geometries. The epoxy binder used is resistant to normal industrial
solvent and automotive fluids. To reduce corrosion of the
rare earth magnetic materials, they are further coated with
epoxy after shaping. The normal application temperatures range
from below -40°C to above 165°C.
Compression bonding is most appropriate for relatively simple
geometries due to limitations of the compaction process. The
tooling costs for compression bonding is comparatively low,
making it a better choice than injection molding where volumes
are small. However, with modest automation, compression bonding
can also be adopted for high volume manufacturing, with volumes
upto millions of pieces per year.